Retiring: Art or Science?
When will I be able to retire? What do I need to know? How will I spend my free time? What if the market crashes? Will my money last?
As I ponder these questions, shared by every aspiring retiree (or even those who already retired), I wish I left summaries for myself when I visited some of these topics years ago, now that I would like to delve deeper into them and focus on what really matters.
Perhaps some of my own notes could be useful to others, hence the idea of a blog. For example, not everybody may be inclined to fact-check books or run their own statistical simulations like I have occasionally done.
There is already a lot of good information about retirement that can be found online, but there are surprisingly few useful tools. Planning for a good retirement is certainly an art, but we should also look at science when possible to reduce our risks.
On this blog I hope to record my notes about retirement topics, with a special focus on sharing anything I find out about how we can make sure our finances are on target to start or continue a happy retirement.