The Average Stock Market Return
When financial advice articles mention the average stock market return, they quote numbers in a wide range, usually between 5% and 12%. That’s a very significant difference: For example, an investment doubles every…
January 2021 Retirement Update
The recent holidays have been productive for my retirement planning! I’ve been working for a few years on writing my own Monte Carlo retirement simulations and other algorithms. Now I’ve added some graphs…
The King and the Chessboard You’ve probably heard the old story of the king that asked the inventor of chess what he wanted as a reward for his new game (or in other…
The Financial Doctor
Imagine you are afflicted by a temperature and a sore throat. You visit your family doctor and have the following conversation with him: Me: I’m not feeling well.Doctor: What is your ailment?Me: I…
Retiring: Art or Science?
When will I be able to retire? What do I need to know? How will I spend my free time? What if the market crashes? Will my money last? As I ponder these…